"Finally some great looking plates in New Zealand for our buildings" — New Zealand Heritage team
Inspired by the old European tradition of utilising decorative anchor plates to improve floor/roof to wall connections in masonry buildings, PYTHON Fixings supplies elegantly designed structural plates that conform with historical New Zealand architecture for the strengthening of existing masonry structures.
External anchor plates (aka pattress plates) are effective wall-to-floor/roof connections that significantly improve the global behaviour of masonry buildings. Anchor plates are commonly found in many old European cities, towns and villages where historic buildings secured with this technique have withstood the test of time.
Our passion for conservation and earthquake protection of existing buildings has led to the development of the PYTHON Plate to enable architecturally sensitive strengthening of existing masonry structures.
Robust connection between wall and floor/roof members.
Securing canopies to masonry walls.
Wall-to-wall cross-tie rods.
Available in two designs: Starfish and Bullseye.
Combination of architectural and structural design.
High quality matte black powder coated finish to enhance durability.
200 mm diameter with a 22 mm diameter centre hole.
Ductile iron grade 500-7 (AS) combining strength and ductility.
Three way plate bending capacity is in excess of 250 kN.
Pull-out capacity can be calculated in accordance with C8.8.4.3 Plate anchors (section C8 of NZSEE Guidelines, 2017).
Durability testing in accordance with AS/NZS 2699.1 & AS 3700 (Read more).
Example construction details available (Request).